



The volleyball team of our school has been making steady progress since its establishment. In the past two years, it has consistently ranked at the top of the QISN and QSAA leagues. In the 2023 Qingdao International School Volleyball League (QISN), our school won the men's volleyball bronze medal and the women's volleyball championship. The same year, in the Qingdao School Sports Alliance Volleyball League (QSAA), our school once again won the men's volleyball bronze medal and the women's volleyball championship. Behind these excellent results, there is not only the teamwork of the teachers in the Department of Physical Education, but also the dedication of the head coach and the concerted efforts of the team members. Three training sessions a week, each lasting at least one and a half hours, and extra training on weekends before the league matches. Such training intensity has created our school's ace team.

The basketball team of our school has consistently achieved excellent results in the Qingdao International School League. It has created a men's basketball four-peat. In the past 2023, our school men's basketball team won the QISN basketball league fourth place, the QSAA basketball league second place, our school women's basketball team won the QSAA basketball league second place, and in the same year, the Spanish International Youth Basketball League Qingdao Area selection match, our school men's basketball team won the U15 category championship. The stable results are also inseparable from the hard work of coaches and team members. At the same time, basketball students with special skills from various universities in Qingdao often serve as sparring partners to teach our team members.

Our school football team, while retaining experienced veteran players, has recruited many highly skilled new players to ensure梯队建设of the team. In the 2023 QISN football league, both men's and women's football teams won fourth place, and in the same year's QSAA football league, they achieved outstanding results with the women's team as runners-up and the men's team as champions. Under the guidance of coach Li Dechang, who is also a member of the current Chinese men's beach football team, the team has improved their individual abilities and technical and tactical skills. The excellent results are attributed to the positive team spirit, united team members, rigorous team management, and have created this iron army.

In addition to the above three teams, our school sailing team has performed well in the 2023 International Youth City Elite Competition. Both teams achieved second place in long-distance sailing and second place overall. It is also the best result among all participating teams in Qingdao International Schools. This year plans to set up a third team.

Currently, our school has four official teams in the above-mentioned sports events, while other sports events including school badminton team, archery team, Frisbee team and golf team are actively recruiting members. I believe that in the near future, our school will be in a leading position in multiple sports events in the Qingdao International School League.