
麒麟社(KYLIN Club)是宏文学校青岛校区完全由学生自主组织和参与的新闻社团。遵从“NeveSay Die,Never Say Lie”的理念,将新闻专访、社会调查与人文教育紧密联系自2019年成立以来,在短短两年间,麒麟社不仅对临沂支教、新生国际安防训练营等校内活动进行跟踪报道,还先后组织采访了来自人力资源、脑科学研究、高速列车研发者、天文学爱好者以及医学等15个不同领域的专家或专业人士。在指导老师的带领下,走进青岛市殡仪馆,与火化工、入殓师等岗位工作人员深入交流,同学们以人文视角对采访全程进行了报导视频,一经发布得到民政等部门的广泛关注,成为青少年生命教育的范本。

Venturing the frontier of student-based organizations, Kylin Club endeavors to convey wisdom and profound thoughts through creative forms of social studies and carefully planned projects. Whether it be eccentric happenings, trending topics or miscellaneous scenarios, you are sure to find us on the spot, bringing you our unique views. We will dedicate our efforts to living up to our proud motto of ‘Never say die, never say lie!’