
英语系的愿景是帮助学生,在任何语境中,能够用英语自信、流利地交流。制定针对不同年级学生需求,因材施教的英语课程计划,使学生能够逐渐用英语有效地写作、论证观点,客观评析文章。G1和G2年级学生学习剑桥IGCSE英语第二语言课程。AS 和A2年级学生通过学习剑桥的IPQ课程来拓展调研能力和学术写作技能,提高批判性思维和分析能力。这些技能有助于学生顺利完成今后的大学课程学习。英语系拥有专业的师资为学生设计、提供各种机会来提高英语语言应用能力,如英语辩论赛、演讲比赛、创意写作比赛、电影配音大赛、戏剧表演等。      

The English Department's primary objective is to develop our students' confidence and ability to communicate in English, with proficiency, in all contexts. Professionally designed curricula, which focus on using engaging teaching strategies, develop our students' ability to write fluently, justify their perspectives effectively and evaluate written texts objectively and creatively. G1 and G2 students study Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language and AS and A2 students undertake the Cambridge International Project Qualification (IPQ), which equips them with research and academic writing skills that focus on analytical and critical thinking to ensure success at university. The English Department organises a variety of activities to foster students' interests and confidence in learning and using English as a tool, such as debate competitions, creative writing competitions, English speech competitions, movie dubbing competitions, drama performances, oral presentations, and more.