Hongwen School 

By integrating the essence of Confucian education in China and localizing pure overseas education, we aim to cultivate future elites who possess both Chinese cultural heritage and an international perspective.

Hongwen School

Qingdao Campus

Committed to becoming a high-end international educational institution with industry influence

Hongwen School's Qingdao campus, established in 2009, has consistently upheld the rigorousmanagement style typical of British public schools. Emphasising academic excellence and achievement, 

the school has garnered a reputation for producing outstanding academic results. However, what sets 

Hongwen Qingdao apart is its unwavering commitment to fostering social responsibility and innovation

among its students. This dual focus on academic prowess and holistic development ensures that

graduates not only excel academically but also emerge as well-rounded individuals poised to make

meaningful contributions to society.

Situated in Qingdao, China, and extending its influence throughout Shandong Province, Hongwen School 

stands at the forefront of international education in the region. Its adherence to British educational principles and the renowned A-Level curriculum has positioned it as a trailblazer among international schools in Qingdaoand beyond. With a dedication to excellence in teaching and learning, coupled with a nurturing environment that encourages creativity and critical thinking, Hongwen School consistently produces graduates who are not only academically proficient, but also equipped with the skills and mindset to thrive in an ever-evolving global 


Educational Philosophy

Adopting the original "Dual Trinity" and "New Six Arts" educational systems that integrate high-quality educational concepts from both ancient and modern China, as well as the West and beyond, our school merges the unique educational advantages of Confucius' New Six Arts Academy, British elite education, and American elite education. It integrates the essence of Confucius' Six Arts - etiquette, music, archery, driving, calligraphy, and arithmetic - into the innovative "New Six Arts" curriculum, which is seamlessly integrated with internationally recognized authoritative courses such as IGCSE and A-LEVEL.

  • Moral education

  • Art education

  • Competitiveness

  • Leadership

  • Multiculturalism

  • Academic ability

Mission and Vision

To be a school that perfectly integrates modern education

with the principles of Confucius.


Multicultural vitality and enterprising global consciousness

School Motto

Diligence, Kindness, Moderation, Perseverance, and Creativity

Mission Statement

A Sino-Western, human-centric approach to the cultivation of talents

Educational Features

Developing interests, specialty training, career planning and development

Qualification Certification

Hongwen School Qingdao is the first international school to be issued qualification certification by the Pearson Edexcel and Cambridge Assessment International Education exam centers.

    • Pearson Edexcel Qualification Certification

      Edexcel plays a signficant role in the British education industry. It works closely with British educational policymakers. Edexcel is devoted to educational research and development, which strongly supports the formulation of Bristish educational policy.

    • Cambridge Assessment International Examination Qualification Certification

      Cambridge Assessment International Examinations, known as CAIE, is one of the main international educational qualification assessment authorities. It is a renowned subdivision of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).